星期二, 11月 21, 2006


蓮 - 出污泥而不染。

By 100mm Marco Posted by Picasa

星期六, 11月 18, 2006



By 100mm Marco Posted by Picasa

星期三, 11月 15, 2006


This dragon was resting on a wooden branch when I tried to come close. No matter how I come close to it, it just refued to move. I wished I had had a tripod and a shutter cord with me so that I could make the picture sharper.

Using 100mm Marco Posted by Picasa

星期二, 11月 14, 2006

反嘴鷸 Pied Avocet

反嘴鷸 Pied Avocet is one of the cutest birds.

Its peck, unlike other birds, is curving upward, enabling it to catch food on the soil surface.

Picture by 500mm Reflex

星期一, 11月 13, 2006


Plant can give me a peaceful yet vivid feeling and I am fond of taking photograph of leaves.
Autumn leaves are most colourful so take your time to film during the falls.

Both pictures by 500mm Reflex

星期日, 11月 12, 2006

黑臉琵鷺Black-faced Spoonbill

Black-faced Spoonbill are rare birds that I am longing to meet.

Taken by 500mm Reflex

星期五, 11月 10, 2006

Marco Photography

One of my favorite lense is 100mm Marco. It is good for shooting insects such as butterfly, dragonfly and spider. The image quality is excellent.

Picture by 100mm Marco

Halloween Spider

This photograh was taken during Halloween. Did it looked scary? I wonder how many eyes do spider has? It looks like this spider has 4 eyes.

Picture by 100mm Marco

星期四, 11月 09, 2006

White Dragontail

White Dragontail is one of the most beautiful butterfly although it is only in black & white.

It is special as it has transparent wings and swallow tails. It is not easy to meet them. I saw this one in a summer morning in Tai Po.

Picture by 100-300mm APO


This was a kingfisher I shooted by the river bank in Shatin. Kingfisher is my favourite bird. Hi! Kingfisher, nice to meet you!

by 100-300mm APO

500mm Reflex

It is a pleasure to use my new 500mm Reflex AF. Now I can easily get images from distance away. the good of the 500mm Reflex is its light weight and small size, though there is limitation such as donut shape bokehs.

Picture by 500mm Reflex